Dead space aftermath movie
Dead space aftermath movie

Captain Campbell enters and explains that crews will stabilize the gravity on Aegis VII, then dismisses the engineers. All three were picked up from the Sprawl. Borges enters the room with his 19-year-old cousin Noah and Omar, a Unitologist. He was in a conference room on the O'Bannon with Cho, Stross, a soldier named Rin and their leader Sergenko. All the while Kuttner hallucinates his deceased daughter, Vivian, who was killed in a vehicular accident years prior to the mission.

dead space aftermath movie dead space aftermath movie

They use his fear of being burned alive to get him to cooperate. The Lead Interrogator is told by the Overseer he has seven hours to get information from the survivors before the Abraxis reaches the Sprawl. The four find themselves in a holding cell on the Abraxis, heading to the Sprawl, an EarthGov space station built around the last remaining fragment of Titan, one of Saturn's moons. The Abraxis then destroys the O'Bannon and portals out of the Aegis system. The Marines incapacitate them and take them to the Abraxis. Kuttner kills one of the Marines after screaming about how he won't let them harm his daughter. The Marines make their way to engineering and meet the survivors: Nickolas Kuttner, head of security Alejandro Borges, an engineer with a robotic arm Nolan Stross, chief science officer and Isabel Cho, a doctor. Their scanners detect that four people are still alive within the Engineering Deck. Five Marines board the ship and see the mutilated corpses of the crew scattered throughout the halls of the ship.

dead space aftermath movie

The EarthGov interceptor ship USM Abraxis portals to and docks with the O'Bannon. But the corporation loses contact with the O'Bannon as well. When contact with the USG Ishimura and the Aegis VII colony is lost, the Concordance Extraction Corporation sends the ship USG O'Bannon to investigate.

Dead space aftermath movie